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Frequency of Deaths
"In 2001, more than 1,000 Canadian workers were killed in the workplace, and 168 British Columbians did not return home from work."
"April 28th has been recognized by the City of Vancouver, the Parliament of Canada, the WCB and the Canadian Labour Congress as a Day of Mourning."
- Philip Owen, Mayor of Vancouver, April 24, 2002
"3 babies die of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) each week in Canada"
(= 156 per year)
- Minister of Public Works and Government Serivces Canada, 1999
"Car crashes are the number one killer of young people in British Columbia."
- Autoplan, Insurance Corporation of BC, Spring 2002
"3.5 million children and teenagers suffer from depression."
- survey from the Centers for Disease Control (U.S.)
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